How Often Should You Change a MERV Filter?

The basic recommendation for oven filter replacement is every 3-4 months for MERV 8, every 6 months for MERV 10 and 11, and every year for MERV 16. There are other factors to consider when determining when to change your home's air filter. In general, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies suggest changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months. This may vary depending on the location of your home (e.g.

dry and dusty climates), if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. If you have pets in the house, you should consider changing the filter every 60 days or 2 months. For households with multiple pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, we recommend changing the filter every 20 to 45 days. Vacation homes or vacant homes that don't get much use can usually wait to change filters every 9-12 months. The more you use your home, the more often you should change the air filter. Fiberglass air filters are the more affordable of the two, but less efficient at capturing dust and particles in the air.

They usually need to be changed every 30 days or less. If you want good indoor air quality (IAQ), you need better filtration and that means a MERV-13 filter. But high MERV filters are also more expensive, so changing them every 30 days isn't as good for your pocket. How often you need to change the household air filter depends on the type of filter, its thickness, the MERV rating, and some special conditions. The smaller the appliance used for cooling, the smaller space usually comes with smaller filters, so you may need to change the filter as often as a filter in a larger home. It's a general recommendation to change your home's air filter every 30 days when using less expensive fiberglass filters.

But how often do you need to change the air filter? How often do you need to change the oven filter? Well, it depends. Filters with higher MERV ratings trap small particles more effectively than filters with lower MERV ratings. It's important to note that there are high-efficiency filters that are designed to filter out small bacterial, mold, and fungal particles, but your standard MERV 8-11 filters will simply block out larger particles of dust, dirt & hair. Air filters typically have a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Report Value) that determines the type and size of contaminants against which the filter will act. While a filter with a higher MERV rating should last longer, it can also restrict airflow in your home. Specifically, for high MERV ratings and greater thickness, these filters easily require only two filter changes per year.

Using an air filter with a MERV rating higher than recommended by the manufacturer of your oven or air conditioner may impair its performance. The Minimum Efficiency Report Value (MERV) rating for an air filter measures how effectively the filter prevents dust and other contaminants from passing through the filter into the air stream. In general, filters with a MERV 16 rating or lower are considered HVAC system grade filters for residential, commercial, and general hospital use.